STM News

Happy Early Birthday to Joseph Ulozas. 


Friday, February 25, is a Saber Day!  Students may wear a Saber Spirit top, school bottoms, and tennis shoes.


Girls Bible Study will meet in the STM Chapel at 3:15 pm today, Friday, February 25.  All ladies are welcome and encouraged to come.  If you can, please bring a Bible.  We hope to see you there!


The Vice Versa Dance is coming up on Saturday, February 26 from 8-10 p.m. in the Cafeteria. Please remember to check the dress and dance guidelines for appropriate attire guidelines and fill out an outside guest form, which needs to be turned in to the office by 3:00 pm the Friday, February 25, along with a photo ID of the guest.  Tickets are being sold for $5 each during the lunch hours.


STM will be on Bell #2 to accommodate for the All School Mass will be on Wednesday, March 2. Students must be in Mass Attire, button down shirt, STM tie boys, and school pants.  Girls may wear school pants or skirt.  Students not in Mass Attire, will be sent home to change.


Second Semester Parent Teacher Conferences will take place at STM on Friday, March 4 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. In order to accommodate the conferences, we will have a half-day of school with dismissal at 11:32 am.