STM News

We will be on a Bell Schedule 2 on Tuesday, January 25 for All School Mass. Students, please remember to wear your Mass attire on Tuesday! 

Boys and Girls Basketball both travel to Normal, Calvary for games tonight. 

Boys swimming competes at Urbana tonight. 

Scholastic Bowl has a virtual match beginning at 4:00 tonight. 

We are very excited to announce auditions for our Spring 2022 Musical at STM: Into the Woods Jr!! - March 24 - 26th in the Auditorium 7 pm each night with a Saturday Matinee at 2 pm. Parts for everyone who would like to try out, from major to minor, singing to very little singing and everything in between. Auditions are in the Music Room after school next Thursday and Friday the 27th and 28th. No experience is necessary, for more information email Mr. Kreps at

Friday is a Saber Day, so students may wear a saber shirt with uniform bottoms and tennis shoes.