STM News

Happy Early Birthday to Miia Popovics, August Christhilf, Michael McCoy, Noelle Taylor, Jason Ballard, Patrick Quarnstrom, Addison Kerr, Blake Bermingham, Nora Kelley, Eleanor Leerkamp, Kaitlyn Valentine, Jose Andino Guerra, Natalia Andino Guerra, Sr. Bridget, Mrs. Price, and Mrs. Horn

Students, please stop by the Lost and Found table to claim your items.  Unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity. 

Friday, December 17, is a Saber Day!  Students may wear a Saber Spirit top, school bottoms, and tennis shoes. 

Friday, December 17, SHH/Spanish Club after school is Piñata Party Day.  Please let Mrs. Quick know what you plan on bringing.

Girls Bible Study will meet in the STM Chapel at 3:15 pm, Friday, December 17.  All ladies are welcome and encouraged to come.  If you can, please bring a Bible.  We hope to see you there.

December 20 through 22, STM will be on a special bell schedule for the First Semester Finals.  More details to follow.

December 23 through January 3 is Christmas Break, Tuesday, January 4 will be a Faculty Only Day, and the students return for the Spring Semester on Wednesday, January 5.

Wednesday, January 5, STM will be on Bell Schedule #2 to accommodate for the Saber House Day.