STM News

Registration for 2022 ICTM Math contest is open to anyone who is interested in this fun competition!  If you are interested, please contact Mr. Sumitro for more details.

Chess Club meets today, Tuesday, November 2, in Mr. Sumitro’s room 216 at 3:15 pm.  Come and challenge the Chess Captain Aidan Beckett for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. 

Attention SHH and Spanish Club members, don't forget to bring in the food items on Tuesday, November 2nd to Room 103 before school.

SPANISH CLUB MEMBERS ONLY:   We will have a meeting on Friday, November 5th at 7:15 am in Room 103.  We will discuss the SHH Induction Ceremony.

It’s hard to believe, but Saber Showcase and Empty Bowls Supper is one week away and performer sports are filling up!  The deadline is Friday, November 5 and the sign up form can be found on the school website.  And if you are interested in service hours, see Mrs. Pagel to sign up to work the supper.  Remember, you can earn Family points by performing and attending! 

Wednesday, November 10, STM will be on a half day schedule, dismissing at 11:30 am to accommodate for the Diocesan Professional Development Webinar. 

STM will be on Bell Schedule #2 on Thursday, November 11 to accommodate for the Veterans Day Assembly.