STM News

The results are in!  We have our House points for the Art Supply Drive.  With 14 points the Family of St. Peter earned 1st place.  St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton was second with 11 points.  St. Kateri earned 10 points and St. Michael earns 6.  Thank you to those extra generous donors who brought in more than their share of supplies or cash.  Many young artists will be blessed by your generosity.


On Saturday, both Saber Scholastic Bowl teams took 2nd place behind all-but-undefeatable IVC teams.  Congratulations to both teams on this huge accomplishment.  Congratulations also to Jack McMillan and Kate McMillan for being voted to the All-Conference Varsity and JV teams, respectfully.  All players who are available, please stay for practice today in Room 105.  GO SABERS.


Science Olympiad: We will have a mandatory meeting in the library after school this Wednesday, March 3rd. We will discuss the virtual regional tournament which is this Saturday. It is important all team members attend. Parents are also encouraged to attend.