STM News

Homecoming tickets will be sold near the front of the stage during lunch until October 6th. Make sure to buy a ticket as soon as possible because the price will increase from $8 to $10 during the last 3 days that they are sold.


Monday, October 2, STM will be on Bell #3 to accommodate for Hallway Decorating.  Here are the themes for each family.  Students are responsible for providing all materials for the decoration.  The office or the Art Department will not hand out any supplies.

St. Kateri:  Cars of the 20’s.

St. Peter:  Music of the 20’s.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton:  The Great Gatsby

St. Michael:  Harlem Renaissance


 Homecoming Dress Down Day Themes

Refer to page 33 of the Student Handbook for details regarding Dress Down Days.

Monday, October 2 - West Coast vs. Wild West

Tuesday, October 3 - On Mass Day, Glamor Day (bring "bling" after mass)

Wednesday, October 4 - Wacky Tacky

Thursday, October 5 - Duo Day

Friday, October 6 - Green and Gold


Donations for the STM Annual Crisis Nursery Diaper Drive are being accepted through Friday, September 29.  Currently, there is a greater need for larger sizes.  House point opportunity:  Most overall diapers get 20 House points, Most size 6 diapers get 20 House points and Most 4T-5T Pull-ups get 20 House points.


Interested in playing or learning to play chess?  If so, the Chess Club will be having a meeting and some playing time in Mr. Davis’s room immediately after school on Thursday, September 28.  All are welcome.


Anyone trying their best to beat Mr. Ray at ping pong should join the Ping Pong Club, Friday, September 29 after school in the cafeteria.  Come join the fun!