STM News

Happy Birthday to Campbell Phillips, Peter Samu, and Camile Ulozas.


Homecoming tickets will be sold near the front of the stage during lunch until October 6th. Make sure to buy a ticket as soon as possible because the price will increase from $8 to $10 during the last 3 days that they are sold.


Donations for the STM Annual Crisis Nursery Diaper Drive are being accepted through Friday, September 29.  Currently, there is a greater need for larger sizes.  House point opportunity:  Most overall diapers get 20 House points, Most size 6 diapers get 20 House points and Most 4T-5T Pull-ups get 20 House points.


The PM Band will meet on Monday, September 25 at 3:00 pm in the Music Room.  All are welcome to join.  Questions, see Dr. Lee.


Join the fun after school on Wednesday, September 27 in room 214 for the Art Club.  You don’t need to be in an Art Club to join.  Questions, see Mrs. Pagel.


Interested in playing or learning to play chess?  If so, the Chess Club will be having a meeting and some playing time in Mr. Davis’s room immediately after school on Thursday, September 28.  All are welcome.


The International Club's next meeting will be Thursday, September 28, at 7:30 am in room 208. All students are invited to attend.


Anyone trying their best to beat Mr. Ray at ping pong should join the Ping Pong Club, Friday, September 29 after school in the cafeteria.  Come join the fun!