STM News

Happy Birthday to Lane Ackerman, Anthony Hoffman and Miss Asam.


Madrigals auditions will be on Tuesday, May 16, Wednesday, May 17, and Friday, May 19 from 3:05 to 4:20 p.m. Choose your audition time through this link or contact Dr. Lee at or Mr. Kreps at for a different audition time and any questions. 


Hello proletariats and art enthusiasts!  Join us on this fine Wednesday, May 10, 3:10 pm in Mrs. Pagel’s alcove of art.  It will be a time of merrymaking and jollification.  We contemplate your prophesied arrival.  It will be enchanting and quite pleasant.  Remember, 3:10 pm.


The final Interact meeting of the year will be Thursday, May 11 at 7:40 am in Mr. Conger’s classroom.

Attention all Sophomores interested in taking or potentially taking AP US History next fall.  There will be a brief informational meeting at 3:00 pm in Mr. Davis’ room, #102 on Thursday, May 11, to answer questions and discuss the summer assignment.


Chess Club will meet Thursday, May 11 at 3:15 pm in Mr. Sumitro’s room, #216.


Are you interested in doing more science experiments, and figuring out how they work? Come to Science Club on Thursday, May 11 at 3:15-4pm in Mrs. McCoy's classroom!


STM Music After-school Band Club, P.M. (“Play More”).  P.M. will meet on Thursday, May 11, from 3:05-4:00 PM in the music room. Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Lee for questions.


Friday, May 12, STM will be on Bell Schedule #2 to accommodate for Saber House.


Friday, May 12, is a Saber Day!  Students may wear a Saber Spirit top, school bottoms, and tennis shoes.


Salvete Omnes, Latin Club will meet Friday, May 12, at 7:30 am in room 106.  There will be candy.  Bring a friend.


Join us today, Friday, May 12, for Cornerstone Board Game Café.  We will meet every Friday from 3:10 to 4:10 pm in the library.  Come learn some *New* Board games, sip some tea or coffee, eat a snack, and have tons of fun!