The High School of Saint Thomas More: Principal's Welcome

Welcome! I am so glad you found our website! I would like to take a minute to share with you a little bit about why families should choose the High School of St. Thomas More. 

We are dedicated to passionately and intentionally living out our missions, which is:
The High School of Saint Thomas More exists to assist parents in forming students spiritually, morally, intellectually and physically in a Christ-centered atmosphere of love, respect and reverence consistent with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, sending them forth to fulfill their baptismal call as His disciples in the world.

The High School of Saint Thomas More exists to assist parents in forming students…
As teachers and administrators, we are here to assist you, our parents and guardians, the primary educators of your child, to form your child in many ways. We are here as professionals, giving endless hours to your children, working hard to help them become the young men and women God created them to be. 

It is by no mistake that the first way we are called to assist you, the parents and guardians, in forming the students is spiritually. God created us in His image and likeness, and so the state of our souls is of utmost importance. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraph 2014) states, “Spiritual progress tends toward ever more intimate union with Christ.” Our main goal at STM is to help our students to grow in personal relationships with the person of Jesus Christ. This is truly what sets us apart from any other high school in the area.

One of the ways the Church teaches us to grow closer to Christ is through the moral life. Deep within each of us, our conscience knows right from wrong. However, the society in which our students are enveloped continually offers temptations to stray from the Truth or to make their own truth! It is the grace of God, which builds on our already formed human nature, that makes it possible for us to obey His commands (cf. CCC 2082). Our Theology classes not only teach what the Church believes, but why She professes these beliefs. This enables our students to take what they have learned and apply it to real life situations.

The classes we offer are intellectually stimulating and invite students to use and strengthen their gifts of reasoning and critical thinking. The faculty at STM strives to create an atmosphere that engages students in conversation and reflection that meld their intellectual curiosity and their spiritual inquisitiveness. We offer over 20 Honors, Advanced Placement, and Dual Credit courses. a Christ-centered atmosphere of love, respect and reverence…
Our teachers and administration have been working to call students higher, inviting them to continue to live lives of virtue and, thus, create an atmosphere where Christ is present in the school that are consistent with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

Our teachers seek to bring the Catholic faith into everything they teach, regardless of the subject. In addition, Theology is not just “another class” but the foundation of everything else that is taught. Knowing the teachings of the Church allows us to live freely and courageously, using our intellect and will to spread the Truth - Jesus Christ.

...sending them forth to fulfill their baptismal call as His disciples in the world. 

As our students graduate from STM and discern God’s will for their lives, they take the Faith with them. Many of our students become very active in college and university Catholic centers.

Sister M. Bridget Martin, FSGM

Sister M. Bridget Martin, FSGM