TODAY’S NEWS for February 2, 2021

Raffle tickets for Dress Down Days are available to purchase through the STM Gala Website.  Winners will be able to dress down once per month. 


Announcing Catholic Schools Week Dress Down Days:

Refer to page 36 of the Student Handbook for details regarding Dress Down details.

Tuesday – Regular Uniform Day

Wednesday – Patriotic (Red, White and Blue) any bottoms Day

Thursday – Loose Fitting Pajama Day

Friday – Normal Dress Down Day


 Art Club sweatshirts are still available.  Be one of the few stylish students or parents to own one of these awesome designs!  If goes really well with the Junior/Senior skirts, khakis and it is warm too.  They are $18 and you can get your very own by seeing Mrs. Pagel or emailing her at


 All NHS Members, please see the announcement in the updates on our Schoology page.  Mrs. Ehrlich needs your response ASAP. 


Valentine’s Day Grams will be sold during Catholic Schools Week during lunch for the cost of $1.00.  You get to choose a bag of M & M’s or a bag of Skittles.  Purchase one for yourself or for your special friends.  The deadline to order is Friday, February 5.  The Valentine’s Day Grams will be delivered on Thursday, February 11.  The Family that buys the most Valentine’s Day Grams will win 10 points in the Family Competition. 


Drama Club will meet in room 204 on Monday, February 8 at 3:15 pm.  All members, new and returning are welcome.  Questions, see Mrs. Marquart.  There will be a Zoom option for virtual members. 


School and Family Captain applications available this week! If you are a Junior and interested in becoming a Family or School Captain in the House System, please see Fr. Pica to pick up an application. Applications will be due Friday, February 26, 2021.