STM Students Place in National Latin Exam Awards

Our Latin students recently participated in the National Latin Exam
"The National Latin Exam is a test given annually to Latin students
across the United States and around the world.The NLE is not meant to
be a competition but rather an opportunity for students to receive
reinforcement and recognition for their accomplishments in the
classroom." (

Awards are given each year "based upon the annual, national average
for each separate exam" ( Here
are those who have earned awards for doing exceptionally well on the
National Latin Exam this year:

The Latin I students earning a Certificate of Achievement are:
Jack McMillan,
Jude Pisarczyk, and
Joseph Ulozas

and (drumroll, please...) the Latin I student earning a Ribbon and
Certificate of Outstanding Achievement is:
James Goebel.

For students in Latin II, III, and Honors IV, an "Honorable Mention
from Mr. Mahoney" goes to:
Ryan Pinto, who was unable to participate in the National Latin Exam
this year. However, in a highly unofficial result, on a practice exam
taken during class, Ryan unofficially scored at a level matching the
"Silver medal and Maxima Cum Laude certificate for second-place" award

An "Honorable Mention from Mr. Mahoney" also goes to:
Leilani Costello, who took the official National Latin Exam and very
narrowly missed the cutoff for receiving an award.

And now, our Latin II, III, and Honors IV students earning Official Awards:
Earning the Magna Cum Laude Certificate for third-place:
Joe Sellett.

Earning the Silver Medal and the Maxima Cum Laude Certificate for second-place:
Molly Moomaw and
Samantha Valentine

and (drumroll, please...)
Earning the Gold Medal and the Summa Cum Laude Certificate for top scorers are
Will Hoerner and
Jacob Studer

Once again, a hearty congratulations to Jack McMillan, Jude Pisarczyk,
Joseph Ulozas, James Goebel, Ryan Pinto, Leilani Costello, Joe
Sellett, Molly Moomaw, Samantha Valentine, Will Hoerner, and Jacob
Studer for their outstanding performance this year on the National
Latin Exam!